Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blueberry Smoothie

Blueberry Smoothie

  • 1 frozen banana (I buy large bunches at Sam's. I usually have one bunch on my counter ripening and another in the freezer individually wrapped and ready to go.)
  • 1/3 cup yogurt (I use Stonyfield Low Fat French Vanilla - if you are paying over $4 for this, find it somewhere else.)
  • 1 large or 2 small pineapple spears (I also buy these at Sam's)
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 3 small ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup juice (I use V8 Fusion Pomegranate Blueberry - also from Sam's)
  • a splash of water (adjust to get the texture you like)

Throw it in your blender and enjoy!

A few years ago, one of my sisters suggested that I make a smoothie for breakfast. Every morning I was grabbing something quick that usually contained grains of some sort. I was always starving before lunch and feeling sluggish. I experimented with some ingredients and this is what I came up with.

The kids and I have this every morning. Yes, every morning. Remember, I have OCD... order and consistency work well for me. :) Besides it's healthy; it's quick and easy; and it's delicious. The kids have some other breakfast goodness as well. What they don't drink goes into the fridge. They often finish it up after dinner.


  1. I heart blueberries! I have a strawberry, wild blueberry and (fresh)banana smoothie almost every day. I add a splash of orange juice, regular yogurt, and 2 tbsp wheat germ. I found that the frozen bananas didn't leave enough liquid to blend it well, which I'm sure isn't a problem for you since you add other liquid in.

    I had been using vanilla yogurt but my husband suggested I try regular and I noticed no difference, which saves me a ton of sugar calories. I'm always skeptical of "low fat" items because they often use additives to make up for the loss of flavor with fat, what's your take on that?

    1. Mandy,

      I've gone back and forth on the low-fat situation throughout my life. I'm not sure what the right answer is. I typically feel sick if I eat too much fat, so I cut back with the yogurt and with sour cream. But now you have me thinking... I'll have to re-evaluate for sure.

      I am a sugar fiend. Totally something I need to work on. I like the idea of cutting it out of the yogurt. Hmmm... sounds like I have some new things to focus on. I love it :)

  2. I made this with plain organic yogurt this morning... it still tastes great. We don't miss the unnecessary extra sugar AT ALL!
